John MacKenzie was a Director and Director General for over 15 years with Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) working in the IT Branch. He was responsible for leading an IT team, as well as supporting, maintaining and enhancing the government pay system when it went live in 2016. Prior to that, Mr. MacKenzie was responsible for leading teams, supporting, maintaining and enhancing 400+ computer applications used by PWGSC and other government departments. John managed over 400 employees and consultants within a portfolio budget of over $50M.
Mr. MacKenzie has a Bachelor of Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, specializing in Computer Science. He has a high degree of experience managing people and budgets, as well as developing and managing computer applications. In addition, John has management-level business knowledge of pay, pension, human resourcing, purchasing, and financial systems.
In 2018, John joined Carefor Health & Community Services as an Associate member, serving on the Finance and Risk Management Committee. In 2019 he joined the Board of Directors and now serves as Chair of the Finance and Risk Management Committee. He continues to serve as Board Treasurer, and a member of the Governance and Executive Committees and the Pension and Benefits Sub-Committee.