Let’s Get Together Club

A safe space for seniors with mental health challenges.
Participants are provided with opportunities to socialize, develop friendships, and engage in leisure, education and wellness activities in a safe, structured and supportive setting.
Information, supportive counseling, consultation with health professionals, and referrals to other community services and programs is also offered.
Program details
When is it: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9:00-3:00.
Cost: $10.00 per day.
Who is it for: isolated older adults (60 plus) living with a mental illness such as: chronic depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.
How can I join: Program referrals are made by Home and Community Care Support Services Champlain (HCCSS), as well as health care professionals and other Community Support Services and programs.
Cost: We can arrange transportation for participants living within the program’s boundaries for $16.00 (return trip).
Pick up: Participants are usually picked up between 8:00 and 9:00am
Drop off: Between 2:45 and 3:30pm.
Contact Us
Cheryl Conway, Program Supervisor
833-922-2734 x 1966

If you’re looking to spend some free time making life better for others, we have many opportunities for you.