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Your Will is Powerful

Give a legacy of care for others.

Writing a Will ensures your family is taken care of. Including a charity, like Carefor, in your Will creates a legacy of support for years to come.

Through your Will, you provide for the people you care about, reduce the tax liability of your estate, and specify support for the charitable causes you were passionate about or grateful to during your lifetime.

  • Carefor’s legacy of caring in Eastern Ontario

    Carefor Health & Community Services has been a part of the healthcare history of Eastern Ontario since 1897.

    The need for our services is not going away anytime soon. Including Carefor Health & Community Services in your Will means you are ensuring Seniors are not forgotten about into the future.

    Carefor’s holistic approach supports people who want to maintain their independence at home, those looking to remain active and social, and is here for families who need healthcare, personal support, or alternate living when life’s circumstances change. Your gift ensures seniors and vulnerable adults will be supported through their health care journey.

  • Creating your legacy

    Carefor is proud to be part of the Save the Tax Program and we offer complimentary sessions on estate planning and estate tax reduction. Delivered through a third party, these sessions are offered once a year in Renfrew County, Ottawa and Eastern Counties.  If you would like to receive an invitation to the next session, please email Wendy

    Planned gifts can allow you to:

    • Reduce your estate taxes.
    • Reduce or avoid capital gains taxes.
    • Pass assets on to family members at reduced tax costs.
    • Leave a legacy without giving up assets.
  • How to arrange a planned gift

    It is surprisingly easy to arrange a planned gift. The easiest way to include Carefor Health & Community Services in an estate is through your Will. This is referred to as “a bequest.”

    Your gift can be unrestricted to support our highest priorities, or designated to a program or services that helped you or someone you cared about. Such services can include day programs for people with dementia, meal delivery, seniors’ mental health or training for staff members who provide health care services.

    It would be wonderful if you would communicate with Carefor Health & Community Services to ensure we can uphold your wishes and the intent of your gift.

    The wording of your bequest is very important. Below are some examples of suggested wording to ensure your bequest is clear and will be directed according to your wishes.

  • Common Types of Bequests

    Specific bequest

    Your gift is to be a specific amount of money or specific asset.

    “I give the sum of $5,000 to Carefor Health & Community Services for its general purposes.”

    “I give XX shares of (Company Name) to Carefor Health & Community Services for its general purposes.”

    Residue of estate

    an identified percentage of what is left in your estate after taxes, debts and other bequests are paid.

    “I give five percent (5%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my es-tate to Carefor Health & Community Services for its general purpos-es.”

    Contingent gift

    a gift received after certain conditions are met

    “In the event that my brother does not survive me, I give Carefor Health & Community Services …… for its general purposes.”

  • Legal name, address & charitable registration number

    Carefor Health & Community Services
    760 Belfast Road, Ottawa ON K1G 6M8

    Charitable Registration Number 11928 4768 RR0001

    We highly recommend that any person considering the inclusion of clauses of this type in their Will should discuss the specifics of their situation with their own legal advisor.

    If you already have a Will, the easiest, least expensive way to include a bequest is to add a codicil, where you specify your gift and name Carefor Health & Community Services as beneficiary. The provisions of your existing Will remain unchanged.

  • RRSP and RIFS

    We all want to transfer whatever wealth we have to the next generation. However, retirement funds are among the most heavily taxed assets. You can only roll over registered assets to a surviving spouse. If you transfer to children or next of kin, they are heavily taxed.

    Donating an RRSP or RRIF funds to a charity, like Carefor, is a smart and effective solution.  This is done by naming Carefor as a beneficiary of a registered plan. You remain the owner and use the fund during your lifetime, receive a tax receipt for the value of the plan, avoid probate fees as you’ve removed these assets from your estate and reduce your overall estate taxes.  You can choose to donate all or just a portion of your retirement funds.  It’s simple to do. Speak with your financial advisor and request a Change in Beneficiary form.

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