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Meeting our Neighbours

Carefor Volunteer Karen Graham (right) delivers meal to Paul MacMillan (left).Many people decide to volunteer with Carefor as a means of staying active and passing time in their retirement. However, sometimes volunteers find themselves needing Carefor’s services. Paul was one of those people.

Paul MacMillan and his late wife June have shared their laughter with the North Dundas community since 2007. New to the area at the time, Paul and June decided to start volunteering delivering meals to seniors living in South Mountain and began attending the social and congregate activities offered in South Mountain by the Carefor Nor-Dun Support Centre. Paul explained, “It was a good way to meet our neighbours and help out in the community. We met many folks and made lifelong friends as a result.”

The couple continued volunteering until June was diagnosed with cancer, and sadly passed away in 2017. Although Paul stayed in their home, delivering meals and attending the congregate and social activities became a means of breaking up his days. Paul shared, “I’ve made a lot of friendships over the years. These programs are a nice way to meet people and it gets you out of the house. It’s nice getting to learn how others are doing in their retirement.”

Shortly thereafter, Paul began to experience his own health challenges and made the decision to move into a small suite attached to his family’s home on a horse farm closer to Winchester. This decision allowed Paul to remain independent and enjoy having his family close by.

Now, Paul uses the Meal Delivery program along with other Carefor services like footcare and social activities to keep active and healthy. The centre’s cooks make sure he has well-balanced meals while being mindful of Paul’s dietary restrictions. Paul explained, “I am so appreciative the staff who make the meals, and of the friendly faces and caring volunteers that have delivered the meals to my doorstep. You can’t get a better meal in town!”

Caroline Rooney, the support centre Supervisor shared, “We love seeing Paul and other seniors at the centre – he always has a great sense of humour and a story to share with you. We can’t wait till we can welcome everyone back like the good old days. It will bring so much enjoyment to us all.”

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