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Staff at Mackay Residential Complex are going above and beyond amid COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is unchartered territory for health care and non-health care workers alike. For Mike Wise, a recent RPN graduate, this unfamiliar territory simply means continuing to provide the best quality care to a vulnerable population at Carefor Mackay Residential Complex*.

Despite the fear and uncertainty at the beginning of this pandemic, staff rallied together to weather the storm and do everything in their power to keep residents safe, doing the best with the resources available.

Mike feels fortunate to work with such a devoted team: “We work for one goal; to do the very best we can for the residents.”

Mike shares how impressed he is with the ingenuity of the staff during the shutdown: “With families not being able to visit loved ones, the staff are doing even more to try to help the residents feel more at home. One staff member brought in her personal iPad and helped the residents to do video chats with their loved ones.”

Care Team Supervisor Jennifer St. Cyr couldn’t be more proud of all the great work her staff are doing during this pandemic. In particular, Mike’s passion as an RPN for Carefor is infectious, and he never ceases to bring a smile to all the residents’ faces.

“He is the gentle giant who always has a smile and is always going above and beyond,” Jennifer says.

Support Carefor Heroes like Mike who are working hard during these uncertain times by donating at

*Carefor Mackay Centre houses 80 beds and is one of two Carefor residential care homes in Pembroke-Renfrew County. It was previously known as the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, a congregation of Roman Catholic sisters founded in 1926 in Pembroke.

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