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A special bond between veterans

Two veterans, Norman McBride and Derek Brown, from Pembroke, Ontario both served in the military in the 1960s, but became good friends more than 40 years later.

They met through Carefor’s Friendly Visiting Program, which teams up a trained volunteer with a Carefor client. The main purpose of the program is to provide companionship.

When Norman and Derek met, a special friendship formed right away, and has continued to grow over the past seven years.

On Thursdays, Carefor frees up a wheelchair accessible van so that they can drive to Petawawa and meet up with some old friends from the army.  

“Thursdays are the highlight of my week,” Norman says, explaining that he volunteers “to bring a little bit of difference in some people’s lives.”

Not only has Derek’s spirits been lifted by this program, but also Norman’s.

“Both of us are soldiers, we soldier on together, we continue to soldier on,” Norman says. “Regardless of what we’ve been dealt, we can talk about things together and get over those bad places together.”

Carefor has more than 900 passionate volunteers across Eastern Ontario. If you would like to be one of them click here for information.

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