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Going Home Program

An elderly couple stands together inside of the open front door to their house.
The Going Home Program helps seniors remain safely at home after leaving the hospital.

The program offers a basket of community support services, including frozen and hot meals, transportation, homemaking and personal support services. Services are free of charge within the first 10 business days when leaving the hospital. 

How do I get service?
  • Assessment

    Clients are assessed and referred to the Going Home Program by the Hospital Discharge Planner and/or by the Geriatric Emergency Management (GEM) Nurse in the Emergency Departments of our Champlain District hospitals.

  • Eligibility
    • Age: 65 years of age and older.
    • Mobility aligns with Champlain Community Transportation Collaborative criteria.
    • Services will not be duplicated either through Home and Community Care, new or existing services in the community, or paid services.
    • Clients living in Retirement Homes are eligible for transportation services only.
    • Clients with contact precautions are eligible dependent on the availability of PPE for client and driver (if necessary), and referral includes a description of the precaution. Intake reserves the ability to refuse the referral if deemed unable to safely service the client.

Contact Us

Once you are home, if you have any questions or if you have not heard from an intake person within two business days from your discharge, please contact:


Phone: (613) 238-8420
Toll Free: 1 (877) 818-0884

Eastern Counties

Phone: (613) 932-3451
Toll Free: 1 (800) 267-1741


Phone: (613) 732-3949

Going Home Referral Form


Going Home Referral Fillable Form


Patient Information Sheet


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