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Carefor Accredited with Exemplary Standing meeting 98.8% of requirements


Carefor Accredited with Exemplary Standing meeting 98.8% of requirements

(November 30, 2022 – Ottawa, ON) Carefor Health & Community Services is proud to announce that it has successfully achieved accreditation with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada, meeting 98.8% of their survey requirements. This is the highest distinction awarded by Accreditation Canada. The decision followed the on-site survey in October 2022 as part of an ongoing Qmentum accreditation process.

Health care accreditation helps identify what an organization is doing well and where to focus its improvement efforts. Carefor was evaluated against national standards and will use the results to improve the quality and safety of its services.

“This is a tremendous accomplishment and I’m very proud of our team,” said Steve Perry, CEO. “They work incredibly hard to make sure we provide our clients with health care and community support services that are safe, effective, and of the highest quality. Our exemplary accreditation award is a real testament to the fact that everyone here makes quality and safety a priority every day.”

“We participate in accreditation because we believe that quality and safety matter to our clients and their families,” added Jessica Peters, Director of Quality & Performance at Carefor. We believe that improving the quality of our care is a continuous journey—a journey to which we are fully committed.”

Accreditation Canada has been helping organizations improve their quality and safety for nearly 60 years, because quality health care matters!

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For more information, contact:
Trevor Eggleton
Senior Manager, Communications, Fundraising and Marketing
Carefor Health & Community Services
613-749-7557 x 2021

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